Feb 1, 2023Liked by Jennifer Browdy, PhD

Thank you for such a beautiful interpretation of Thomas Berry's Great Work and for asking us to reflect on our role as educators.

** Is the great work of our time really to tap into and express the “primordial flaring” of Love at the heart of the universe?

Yes, there is no greater work. This is why we are alive now, to participate in this great work , and there's no better place to start than through Holistic education, expressing the Love at the heart of the universe.

** And can this only be done, as education can only be done, one heart and one mind at a time?

It might seem like a slow process to do it one heart and one mind at a time. But in the heart and mind of the Universe, there there is no time and space, as we experience it on Earth. So it has to start with one heart and one mind joining with another, and that sharing will will spread to the collective Mind, the big "networks" of the Superorganism Earth (Gaia) which is a part of the Living Universe. It feels so good to know that we are a part of Creation and have role to play in its evolutionary journey. It may seem small at first, but one small act of love can have magnificently vast consequences.

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Yes, this sense of timelessness is so important, Viola! I have been pondering the way Berry focuses on the linear narrative of the unfolding of the universe AND the timeless spiritual dimension in which this unfolding occurs. It's hard to hold both these dimensions in my mind at once and understand their implications.

I think the clues lie in Berry's references to the dream world as the "numinous space of the sacred" (rough paraphrase). This comes back to my reading of Seth's teachings about the dream world as the pure space of creative consciousness, out of which everything physical arises, including the physical universe and its story.

When we change hearts and minds, it seems that we are operating in both realms at once, consciousness/waking/physical and unconscious /dreaming/ metaphysical. Seth encourages us to more intentional creators in both our waking & dreaming realities. I think Thomas Berry would concur.


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